If there’s one thing I’ve had cemented into my daily regime lately it’s that if I’m not eating enough, it’s a really bad thing for my dieting.

Since sitting down with Julian from Titanium Fitness almost 2 months ago now we discussed how me not eating enough actual food and supplementing a lot of my intake was a bad thing.  After increasing my intake I’m now back down to the same weight I was when I started this weight / fat loss process and I’m taking in double the amount of calories.

We achieved this by starting the whole process with finding my maintenance calorie intake.  This means keeping your current (target) weight reasonably constant. This can be achieved when the number of calories (kilojoules) that you eat is equal to the number of calories (kilojoules) your body uses.

Energy In (Food) = Energy Out => body weight remains stable.

However, for many people, weight maintenance means weighing within 1 to 2 kg of their current (target) weight. The weight on the scale can fluctuate even when you have reached your target weight and there are a number of reasons for this:

  • Normal body fluctuations related to eating and elimination
  • Consuming a high salt (sodium) diet
  • Temporary weight gain due to fluid retention for women near the time of menstruation
  • Decrease in physical activity

Once you know your actual maintenance level you then have a stage to start from for either adding weight on or taking it off when you get your diet right.

There are many fantastic calculators available on line including this one: CALORIE CALCULATOR

How’s your diet going so far? What are you looking to achieve at the moment from your diet and exercise?

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Monday 15th June 2015 – SHOULDER SESSION

Good Morning,

Hope you’re all well and had a fantastic weekend. So, I’m sorry, I’ve been very remiss the last few weeks getting my training posted up for you to take a look at.

We’ve been switching things up a little to really try and get some higher rep work out, using heavier weights and also trying to work on my diet a little too.

My maintenance calorie intake is 3304 a day, however, I’m in a process of trying to lose a little of the fat right now, especially around the love handles area, and at 38 years old, it ain’t gonna go easily.

I’ve lowered the fat in take I have every day and I’m generally trying to just snack less on crap, which isn’t easy when you pop into a coffee shop, grab a green tea and then see the CAKES.

Anyway, on to this mornings training session. We’re working on pyramid reps starts high, working down, back up and back down again every set.

SEATED LATERAL RAISES: 10,7.5,5KG 8,8,8,6,6,6,6 reps
SEATED FORWARD RAISES: 10,7.5,5KG 8,8,8,6,6,6,6 reps
SEATED REAR DELTS: 10,7.5,5KG 8,8,8,6,4,6,8 reps

It’s only 4 exercises, but with that number of reps I certainly got a good sweat going on so decided to cool down on the bike rather than go for any real extra calories burn. I ticked along for just 15 minutes as I know I have a hard cardio session coming up at lunch time.

How’s your summer body training going? Are you getting the results you’d like, maybe you need to switch things up a little bit in your diet or your training plan.