Do you have a collection you’re proud of? Now, I wouldn’t class myself as a fashion connoisseur, however, if you look in my wardrobe my collection of t-shirts would probably surprise you a little. As a guy in his late 30’s you’d maybe expect me to be a fan of polo or plain t-shirts that look professional and smart. Yeah, that’s not really the case, if you look in my drawers you’ll come across a selection of fun, classic and humorous t-shirts.

Chewbacca Surfing - Chunk Clothing
Chewbacca Surfing – Chunk Clothing
Super Friends - Chunk Clothing
Super Friends – Chunk Clothing
Star Wars, Garbage Pail Kids, Family Guy, Superman, Dangerous
A small sample of my t-shirt collection

My wife, when we first met didn’t understand my draw towards these fun t-shirts, and honestly, I can’t give a reason as to why I love them so much, but I do, and she still doesn’t understand 🙂 I love being a little quirky and silly at my age, and frankly I don’t want to grow up.  I’m quite happy being a little Peter Panesque in my clothing choices. You should see my DVD collection, but that’s for another blog. So, it begs the question,  what do you do to keep age at bay? Let me know in the comments I’d love to hear from you.

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